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How to Use Feng Shui to Attract Wealth into Your Home

How to Use Feng Shui to Attract Wealth into Your Home

Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of harmonising with your environment, offers powerful tools for attracting wealth and abundance into your home. By arranging your space according to Feng Shui principles, you can create a flow of positive energy that enhances your financial well-being. In this article, we’ll explore how you can use Feng Shui for your house to attract wealth, ensuring that your living space supports prosperity and success.

Understanding the Wealth Area In Period 9

In Feng Shui, knowing how to activate the Period 9 energy is extremely important. This area governs your financial energy and is crucial for attracting wealth. Enhancing the energy in this part of your home can lead to increased opportunities for financial success.

1. Activate the Wealth Energy

During this period, the Feng Shui Fire Star 9 will play a crucial role in attracting luck and wealth. Positioned in the southern sector of the Luo Shu Square map in the later heaven sequence, this fire energy is traditionally linked to financial prosperity, success, and power. It can ignite fresh ideas and opportunities in your life, but if not managed carefully, it may also lead to confusion and difficulty in finding your way.

In Period 9 Feng Shui:

  • The North (Indirect Spirit) is the most auspicious direction for prosperity and wealth, associated with the Water Dragon.
  • The East, Southwest, and Southeast (Indirect Spirit) are also favourable for water-related elements.
  • The South (Direct Spirit) is ideal for health and relationships, aligning with the Mountain Dragon.
  • The West, Northwest, and Northeast (Direct Spirit) are secondary locations beneficial for mountain-related features.

If your surroundings lack natural water or mountains, you can simulate these elements:

  • For Water: Busy streets can mimic natural rivers, and features like swimming pools, fish tanks, or ponds can be effective substitutes.
  • For Mountains: Tall buildings, walls, or planting large trees and bushes can serve as stand-ins for natural mountain landscapes.

2. Declutter Your Space

Clutter is a major block to the flow of energy in Feng Shui. It represents stagnant energy that can hinder financial opportunities. Start by decluttering your entire home, focusing especially on the southeast area. Keep this space clean, organised, and free of unnecessary items to allow wealth energy to flow freely.

3. Use Colours to Enhance Wealth Energy

Colours play a significant role in Feng Shui. To attract wealth, incorporate shades of green, purple, and gold in your decor, as these colours are associated with prosperity. Green represents growth and vitality, purple symbolises wealth and royalty, and gold is the colour of abundance. You can use these colours in your choice of furniture, accessories, or even artwork.

4. Position Your Furniture Strategically

The placement of furniture in your home can impact the flow of energy and influence your financial situation. Ensure that your furniture is arranged in a way that allows energy to circulate freely. In the wealth area, place your furniture so that it faces inward, symbolising that wealth is coming into your home.

Avoid placing furniture with sharp corners pointing towards the wealth area, as this can create “poison arrows” that disrupt the flow of positive energy. Instead, opt for rounded furniture or soften the edges with plants or draped fabric.

5. Focus on the Entrance of Your Home

The entrance of your home is where energy enters, making it crucial for attracting wealth. Ensure that your front door is clean, well-maintained, and free of obstructions. A strong front door invites positive energy, including wealth, into your home.

Consider adding a welcome mat with symbols of prosperity, such as a dragon or a phoenix. These symbols are believed to attract good fortune and success.

6. Incorporate Feng Shui Wealth Symbols

Wealth Bowl: Create a wealth bowl filled with symbols of abundance, such as gold ingots, Chinese coins, crystals, and semi-precious stones. Place it in the southeast corner of your home or living room to attract financial prosperity.

Lucky Bamboo: Lucky bamboo is a popular Feng Shui remedy for attracting wealth. Place a stalk of lucky bamboo in your wealth area, ensuring it has at least three stalks for growth, five for wealth, or eight for prosperity.

Feng Shui Coins: Tie three Chinese coins together with a red ribbon and place them in your wallet, wealth area, or near your front door to attract money and protect your financial interests.

7. Balance the Energy in Your Home

To attract wealth, it’s essential to balance the energy (Yin and Yang) in your home. Ensure that each room has a harmonious mix of light and dark, active and passive elements. Too much Yin (passive energy) can lead to stagnation, while too much Yang (active energy) can cause burnout and stress.

You can balance the energy by incorporating a mix of colours, textures, and lighting. For example, if a room feels too cold or dark, add warm lighting and vibrant colours to energise the space.

8. Feng Shui for Office and Workspaces

If you work from home or have a home office, applying Feng Shui for office principles is crucial for financial success. Position your desk so that you have a clear view of the door, known as the “command position.” This placement allows you to feel in control and see opportunities as they arise.

Avoid sitting with your back to the door, as this can symbolise missed opportunities. If this is unavoidable, place a mirror on your desk so you can see the door’s reflection.


Using Feng Shui to attract wealth into your home involves creating a space that promotes positive energy flow and aligns with your financial goals. By focusing on the wealth area, decluttering, using appropriate colours, and incorporating wealth symbols, you can enhance your home’s energy and attract abundance.

For personalised Feng Shui guidance, consider consulting a Feng Shui master in Singapore, such as Kevin Foong Consulting Group. As a trusted authority in Feng Shui and Bazi reading in Singapore, we provide tailored solutions for individuals and businesses.

To learn more, feel free to get in touch with us today!

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