Feng Shui Talk & Seminar with Maybank Premier Wealth at Pan Pacific Hotel

Delivering Destiny and Astrology 2018 to Maybank Premier Wealth clients on best feng shui practices. Everyone received a personalised 2018 destiny guide for their Bazi chart.


Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel

Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel

Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel

Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel

Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel

Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel



Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel

Feng Shui talk and Seminar with Maybank in Pan Pacific Hotel



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