Feng Shui for New House: Tips For Positive Vibes In Your Space

feng shui for new house

Did you know that the Feng Shui of your home can significantly enhance your quality of life?

Imagine experiencing greater success in your career, improved relationships, and better overall health!

From your main entrance and living room to your study room and kitchen, here are the best arrangement tips based on Feng Shui to transform your space.

*A different version of this article was published on Shopee in 2022.

What is Feng Shui?

feng shui coins

Unlike the common misconception about feng shui, it has nothing to do with religion, superstition, or hearsay.

According to Master Kevin Foong (Kevin Foong Consulting Group), Feng Shui focuses on balancing the natural flow of energy, known as Qi. Achieving good Feng Shui means inviting positive Qi into your home, which can bring success to you and other residents.

Conversely, an imbalance of Qi in your living space can lead to strained relationships and challenges in your career.


Will Feng Shui work for everyone?

feng shui principles

If you’re curious about whether Feng Shui, deeply rooted in Chinese culture, can benefit everyone, the answer is yes.

Unlike practices tied to specific religions, Feng Shui is universally applicable, even if you approach it without belief.

Master Wesley Lim from East Chen Consultancy explains that just as air, water, and food sustain us regardless of our beliefs, Feng Shui operates independently of faith to deliver its advantages.

Over generations, people have adapted to their environments for survival. Similarly, Feng Shui has evolved through practitioners’ efforts to yield positive results.

Master Lim assures that scepticism doesn’t diminish Feng Shui’s effectiveness.

According to Master Adrian Lo of Ju Xuan Geomancy Consultancy, a well-aligned Feng Shui home in Singapore can attract abundant luck. Feng Shui influences the Qi that surrounds us, impacting wealth, health, relationships, and more.

Master Kevin Foong adds that effective Feng Shui can enhance daily decision-making, leading to positive outcomes that enrich the overall quality of life.


Who should be consulted first: a Feng Shui master or an interior designer?

Feng Shui master or an interior designer

It’s always best to consult a Feng Shui master before implementing an interior designer’s suggestions. Engaging a Feng Shui master during the design stage maximises the Feng Shui potential of your home and helps you avoid unnecessary time and money spent on rectifications later.

Master Lim notes that it’s easier for an interior designer to work with the Feng Shui master’s recommendations, ensuring a design you’ll love without frustration.

According to Master Adrian Lo and Master Kevin Foong, Feng Shui experts are trained to identify and alter Qi to benefit you and your home.

Interior designers, on the other hand, focus on your requests and requirements, addressing layout and design issues such as colours, patterns, and shapes for aesthetic purposes.

For example, an interior designer might suggest specific furniture arrangements to complement a theme. However, in Feng Shui, such positioning could hinder the natural flow of energy, potentially causing financial issues or health problems for the residents.

Pro Tip:

Many interior designers will ask if you are consulting a Feng Shui master during your first consultation. Share your Feng Shui plan with your designer for a smoother renovation experience!


Feng Shui for the Specific Areas of Your House in Singapore

Feng Shui for the Specific Areas

In addition to specific practices for each part of the house, there are traditional Chinese customs that all family members observe before moving into a new house.

Bringing in fresh fruits, especially pineapples—known as “ong lai” in Hokkien for their resemblance to the phrase “fortune comes”—and repeating lucky Chinese idioms such as “龙马精神” (vigorous spirits like a dragon and horse), “财源广进” (abundance of wealth), and “招财进宝” (invite wealth and treasure), is believed to bless the new home and ensure prosperity.

Another ancient Chinese practice involves opening all the windows and doors to invite fresh air, symbolising the welcoming of new, positive energy.

Similarly, Chinese rituals like turning on all the taps is thought to encourage a continuous flow of wealth and good fortune throughout the household.


Main entrance

Master Foong and Master Lim share that the main entrance is a crucial feng shui spot, as it’s the main opening from where Qi enters to interact with the energies in your home.

Keep the main entrance free of clutter

Keep the main entrance free of clutter

(Credit: LHSG.SG)

Imagine trying to enter your home with shoes, plants, and other items blocking the doorway—it would be quite challenging. Similarly, Master Lim advises keeping your doorway clear and tidy to invite good luck and positive energy to flow freely into your home. He recommends installing a shoe cabinet at the entrance.

Shoes can carry various energies that may not be beneficial for your home. Storing them in a shoe cabinet outside helps to prevent unwanted energy from entering, maintaining a harmonious environment inside.

Install bright lights at the doorway

Install bright lights at the doorway

(Credit: seasonmall.sg)

A dark and unwelcoming home is not only dreary; but it also allows negative energy to gather.

While yin energy can be beneficial for relaxation, an excess of it can deplete positive yang energy, potentially causing stress and health issues. Master Foong suggests installing bright lights at the main entrance to foster a flow of yang energy into your home.


Living room

The living room serves as the focal point where energies from all parts of the house converge. Master Lim recommends:

Place your sofa against a wall

Place your sofa against a wall

You’ll likely spend plenty of time relaxing on the sofa while enjoying your favourite television shows.

Master Lo advises placing the sofa against a solid wall for a sense of security. Additionally, Master Lim suggests positioning the sofa to welcome guests and energy entering from the main entrance, enhancing relationships and overall quality of life.

Avoid full-length windows

Avoid full-length windows

While floor-to-ceiling windows add a majestic look, Master Lim cautions that they may not benefit the Feng Shui of Singaporean homes.

The living room accumulates all the energies of the home, and it’s crucial to maintain Qi within. Therefore, it’s advisable to avoid floor-to-ceiling windows, especially if your home faces the sea, as this element is considered negative energy and can draw away positive energy from your home.

Pro Tip

If you can’t get rid of those floor-to-ceiling windows, install some day curtains that can shield your home from having its Qi drawn away!

Brighten up your living room with lights

Brighten up your living room with lights

Your living room should be well-lit, inviting positive Yang energy into your home. Master Lim advises ensuring it’s brighter than other areas and establishing clear energy distinctions for optimal Feng Shui results.

Enhance Your Living Area with White, Brown, and Blue

Enhance Your Living Area with White, Brown, and Blue

Master Fong recommends using these colours to brighten and invigorate your living space. While not traditionally auspicious, they create a welcoming environment for energy flow and accumulation.

Pro Tip

If you prefer a specific natural element, incorporate it into your wall fixtures and decorations instead of painting. For instance, opt for a water feature if you favour water elements, or add live plants for wood elements, rather than painting the room in green or brown.



Master Foong advises against placing the kitchen in the centre of your home, as it symbolises fire attacking the “heart” of your home due to the presence of fire and water elements (stove and sink).

Instead, consider positioning it in the south, southwest, north, or northeast parts of your home for better energy flow.

The kitchen represents prosperity, nourishment, and health, making good feng shui essential in this area.

Position your stove away from all the doors and windows

Position your stove away from all the doors and windows

Master Lim recommends placing the stove away from doors and windows to prevent wealth from being dispersed. Even induction stoves, though flameless, are considered fire elements and should be kept away from entrances.

Position your sink opposite the stove

Position your sink opposite the stove

It’s crucial to avoid placing the sink directly opposite the stove, as this can create a clash between fire and water elements, potentially impacting residents’ health negatively. Master Lo suggests adding a food preparation area between them to mitigate this clash.

Avoid placing your refrigerator in the Southern direction

Avoid placing your refrigerator in the Southern direction

According to Masters Foong and Lim, avoid placing the refrigerator in the southern part of the kitchen, as it may invite negative energy. If your refrigerator includes a water dispenser, position it away from the stove to prevent the clash between water and fire elements.


Study room

A study or workroom is essential for productivity. To invite positive energy and enhance your workflow, consider these feng shui tips:

Consider placing your work desk by the window

Consider placing your work desk by the window

Place your work desk by the window, ideally facing an empty street or park without much activity. This setup minimises distractions, enhancing focus.

If the view is cluttered with traffic, Master Lim recommends positioning your desk away from the window to avoid distractions.

Master Foong suggests that placing your desk near a window in the South, Northwest, Northeast, or West can significantly boost your work experience, enhancing client relationships and reputation.

Keep the study room clean, bright and fresh

Keep the study room clean, bright and fresh

Opt for clean, bright colours in your study. Master Lim advises against dark ceiling colours, as they can hinder wisdom and attract negative yin energy.

He recommends consulting a feng shui master to determine the most auspicious colours for your space.

Position your work desk’s seating area against a wall

Position your work desk’s seating area against a wall

For a commanding presence, place your work desk’s seating area against a solid wall, symbolising support from benefactors.

Ensure you can see the door from your seat to maintain authority and comfort in the room. Avoid positioning your back towards the entrance to retain your power and control over the space.



The bedroom is your sanctuary for rest and relaxation, where you spend a significant part of your day. Here are essential feng shui tips to create good energy flow in your Singapore home:

Opt for bright, pastel colours

Opt for bright, pastel colours

Master Foong recommends using light pastel colours such as pink, blue, white, and green for your bedroom.

These colours promote relaxation and recharge your energy after a long day. Aim for a balanced yin energy without too many dark shades.

Avoid strong hues like red, orange, or pink, as they can increase physical discomfort and block positive energies.

Choose your wallpapers carefully

Choose your wallpapers carefully

While wallpapers can enhance your home’s aesthetics, Master Lim advises maintaining them well to avoid impacting career luck.

Refreshing your wallpapers periodically can rejuvenate the house’s energy, but ensure it complements the bedroom’s peaceful ambiance.

Position your bed away from the toilet

Position your bed away from the toilet

If your bedroom has an ensuite toilet, take care when positioning your bed. Master Lo advises against placing the bed’s headboard on the wall shared with the toilet.

This setup can expose you to unpleasant odours and disruptions from flushing, potentially affecting your health and sleep quality.


Do I Need Auspicious Items for Good Feng Shui?

According to Masters Lim, Foong, and Lo, there’s no requirement for auspicious items to achieve good Feng Shui in your Singaporean home.

While their placement may not affect Feng Shui, you can incorporate certain art pieces or decorations if they hold personal significance or aesthetic value.


Huat Up Your Home with These Feng Shui Tips for Your New Home!

We hope these feng shui arrangement tips for your Singaporean home will bring you wealth, health, prosperity, and good fortune!

At Kevin Foong Consulting Group, we are dedicated to creating Feng Shui solutions to transform your home into a sanctuary of good vibes. From expert advice on energy flow to optimizing furniture placement, we help you create a harmonious living space.

Contact us today to reap the benefits of our comprehensive Feng Shui solutions to maximize harmony in your home!


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