A Guide To Using Mirrors in Feng Shui for Positive Energy

A Guide To Using Mirrors in Feng Shui for Positive Energy

Mirrors are more than just decorative items in your home or office. In Feng Shui, mirrors hold a special significance as they are believed to have the power to manipulate energy, amplify positive vibes, and dispel negative forces. Whether you’re looking to enhance the energy flow in your home, office, or any living space, using mirrors correctly can be a powerful tool in your Feng Shui practices.

In this guide, we’ll explore how mirrors influence energy in Feng Shui, the best ways to use them, and the common pitfalls to avoid when placing them in your environment.

The Role of Mirrors in Feng Shui

In Feng Shui, mirrors are often referred to as the “aspirin” of the practice because they have the ability to cure many energy imbalances. They are considered to be extensions of the water element, symbolising clarity, reflection, and wisdom. Mirrors have the power to:

  • Expand Space: By reflecting light, mirrors can make a room feel larger and more open, helping to create a sense of abundance.
  • Attract Positive Energy: A mirror positioned in the right spot can draw in good energy, also known as “Chi,” while deflecting negative influences.
  • Correct Energy Flow: In spaces where the energy feels stagnant or blocked, mirrors can be used to redirect or speed up the flow of Chi.

However, when misused, mirrors can also amplify negative energy or create disturbances in your environment. This is why it’s important to consult a Feng Shui master in Singapore when applying mirror-related adjustments in your home or office.

Choosing the Right Mirror for Feng Shui

Not all mirrors are created equal when it comes to Feng Shui for your house. The shape, size, and placement of the mirror play a significant role in influencing the energy in your space.

  • Round Mirrors: Considered one of the best shapes for Feng Shui, round mirrors symbolise unity and continuity. They are ideal for common areas such as living rooms and dining rooms, where harmony is desired.
  • Framed Mirrors: Mirrors with solid and well-crafted frames are preferred as they signify stability and protection. Avoid broken or chipped mirrors, as they can reflect fragmented energy.
  • Full-Length Mirrors: These mirrors can help reflect the whole self, promoting self-esteem and clarity in decision-making. Place these in dressing areas, but avoid putting them directly in front of your bed, as it may disrupt restful sleep.

Best Practices for Using Mirrors in Feng Shui

1. Enhance Natural Light and Abundance: One of the most common uses of mirrors in Feng Shui is to enhance natural light. By positioning a mirror opposite a window, you can invite more natural light into the room, creating a sense of spaciousness and abundance. This placement also allows the positive energy from the outdoors to enter your home, uplifting the overall vibe.

2. Double Your Wealth: In Feng Shui, wealth areas in the home or office can be amplified with mirrors. Placing a mirror near your dining table or cash register can symbolically double your prosperity, as the dining area is considered a place of wealth and abundance.

3. Use Mirrors to Redirect Energy: In areas where Chi is stagnant or blocked, mirrors can help redirect the flow of energy. For example, if a hallway feels narrow or tight, a mirror can visually and energetically open it up. Similarly, if you’re dealing with a “missing” Feng Shui corner in your home layout, a mirror can be used to symbolically restore that space.

4. Avoid Mirrors in the Bedroom: While mirrors are excellent tools for amplifying energy, they should be used with caution in the bedroom. Mirrors directly facing the bed can cause restlessness, as they reflect energy back into the space. Instead, position mirrors where they won’t directly face the bed or cover them during the night.

Using Mirrors in the Office

When applying Feng Shui for the office, mirrors can help maintain a balanced and productive work environment. Here are a few tips:

  • Boost Natural Light: Use mirrors to reflect sunlight into darker areas of the office, creating a more vibrant and positive workspace.
  • Enhance Your Career Area: The “Career” area in the Bagua map, often located near the entrance of an office, benefits from the presence of water elements. As mirrors represent water, placing a mirror in this area can enhance career growth and opportunities.
  • Avoid Mirrors Facing Desks: Mirrors that reflect your desk can cause distractions and increase the feeling of being overwhelmed, as they symbolically double your workload. Keep mirrors positioned away from your working space.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While mirrors can be a powerful tool in Feng Shui, misusing them can lead to unintended consequences. Here are a few pitfalls to avoid:

  • Avoid Mirrors Facing the Front Door: In Feng Shui, the front door is the mouth of Chi, where energy enters your home or office. A mirror placed directly opposite the front door can push the positive energy out of the space, rather than allowing it to flow in.
  • Mirrors That Reflect Clutter: Mirrors have the power to double whatever they reflect. If your mirror is reflecting clutter, it can magnify that disorganised energy. Always ensure that your mirrors reflect clean, organised spaces to promote a harmonious environment.


Mirrors are powerful tools in Feng Shui that can dramatically influence the flow of energy in your home or office. By using mirrors thoughtfully and avoiding common mistakes, you can enhance the positive Chi in your space, attracting abundance, harmony, and well-being. Whether you’re optimising your space at home or boosting productivity in the office, the correct use of mirrors can create a positive transformation in your life.

For more expert guidance on Feng Shui, including Feng Shui courses online or personalised consultations, visit Kevin Foong Consulting Group. With professional advice, you can maximise the power of Feng Shui and create a balanced, harmonious environment tailored to your specific needs.

To learn more, contact us today!

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