2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide

2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide

The 15th lunar day of the 7th lunar month is the Chinese Ghost Festival. The first lunar day of the 7th lunar month is on August 8, 2021. August 22, 2021, is the 15th lunar day, which is the Chinese Ghost Festival. The first lunar day of the 8th lunar month is on September 7, 2021. Therefore, the Ghost Month is from August 8 to September 6 . This is when spirits and ghost are released from Hades to roam the living world. You can setup your offerings with your back facing NorthEast sector tonight 12am onward.

Gate of Hell Opened
For private houses, the Gate of Hell is open on the first day of the Ghost Month, on which ghosts come out to the mortal world and the sacrifice ceremony, grand or simple, is required. The grand sacrifice ceremony means offering a good meal while the simple means preparing some fruits and desserts to show respect. As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a free lunch. This kind of sacrifice ceremony implies bringing me no trouble once eating my food.

Gate of Heaven Opened
For public places, the Gate of Hell is open on the second day of the Ghost Month. In ancient times, shops and government offices held the sacrifice ceremony one day after the private houses to pray for safety and no mysterious case in the month.

There is nothing one need to be fearful of, as they are also considered energy in the human world. In most cases, we don’t usually do renovation commencement in this month. Do however follow simple guide line below to ensure a smooth month transition.
20 Guidelines for a safe and peaceful month
  1.  庚 Geng Metal, 乙 Yi Wood Daymaster need to take precaution
  2.  If Your Bazi Month Earthly Branch has the Tiger sign or 寅 Ying Wood, you  have take be cautious too
  3. Don’t response to someone calling your name if you are walking home late at night. Yin energy is strong after 11pm
  4. Hotels are considered Yin places, together with hospital. If you can avoid visiting, it is safer for you
  5. Stay away from beaches, places with huge amount of trees, especially at night

  6. If you have strong sixth sense since young, it’s better to go home early this month
  7. It is not advisable to swim during the hungry ghost festival month

  8. Avoid making major decision such as buying house or car. Sign the contract on a good day in a better month
  9. House renovation is best not to commence in this month
  10. Do not pick up anything on the road, such as coins, money, abandoned stuffs or mattress
  11. Do not make fun of the spirits and it is best to be respectful
  12. If you find yourself having lot of negative or suicidal thoughts this month, visit the temple or church and say your prayers

  13. Do not take photo at night, especially at offering area
  14. Do not lean on the wall as spirits are usually at those area
  15. Do not host your wedding dinner this month to avoid relationship disharmony
  16. Avoid hanging your clothes out overnight as spirits may attach to it
  17. Avoid using red umbrella at night if possible

  18. You can provide simple food offerings on the first day of Hungry Ghost Festival

  19. You should provide the favorite food of your ancestors on the 15th of the Hungry Ghost Festival

  20. Do more good deeds, keep a positive mindset, accumulate good karma

Learn more at my telegram channel http://www.kevinf.co/telegram

农历七月十五是中元节。农历七月初一是2021年8月8日。2021年8月22日是农历十五,也就是中元节。农历八月的第一天是2021年9月7日。因此,鬼月是从8月8日到9月6日。这是灵魂和鬼魂从冥府中释放出来漫游世界的时候。今晚 12 点以后,您可以背向东北方拜。




  1. 庚金,乙木八字日主需防患于未然
  2. 如果你的八字月柱地支有寅木,你也要小心
  3. 如果你深夜步行回家,不要回应有人叫你的名字。晚上11点后阴气旺盛
  4. 宾馆都算阴宿,还有医院。如果你能避免参观,对你来说更安全
  5. 远离海滩、树木繁茂的地方,尤其是在晚上
  6. 如果你从小就有很强的第六感,这个月早点回家比较好
  7. 中元节期间不宜游泳
  8. 避免做出重大决定,例如买房或买车。在更好的月份中的一个好日子签订合同
  9. 房屋装修最好不要在这个月开始
  10. 不要在路上捡任何东西,比如硬币、钱、废弃的东西或床垫
  11. 不要取笑鬼魂,最好是尊重
  12. 如果你发现自己这个月有很多消极或自杀的想法,去寺庙或教堂祈祷
  13. 不要在晚上拍照,尤其是在提供区
  14. 不要靠在墙上,因为精神通常在那些区域
  15. 本月不要举办婚宴,以免关系不和谐
  16. 避免将衣服挂在外面过夜,因为精神可能会附着在衣服上
  17. 尽量避免在夜间使用红伞
  18. 可以在中元节第一天提供简单的食物供品
  19. 中元节15日,你应该提供祖先最喜欢的食物
  20. 多做善事,保持积极心态,积善业
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
2021 Hungry Ghost Festival Guide
Hungry Ghost Festival 2021
Hungry Ghost Festival 2021
Hungry Ghost Festival 2021

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