2018 Chinese Horoscope Animal Forecast & Zodiac by Master Kevin Foong

Click into your animal sign to read the 2018 Chinese horoscope animal forecast and Zodiac by Master Kevin Foong. The new wave of 2018 Earth Dog energy take effects right after 4 February 0528 hours.

Purchase your personalise 2018 Bazi 12 months report by Master Kevin Foong that gives you forecast advice so you can plan for a successful year ahead.

Learn how to activate prosperous Feng Shui for your home and office in 2018.

2018 Rat Forecast

2018 rat forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Invest in oneself

2018 Ox Forecast2018 ox forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Prudent with investment


2018 Tiger Forecast2018 tiger forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Maximise Your Career Path

2018 Rabbit Forecast2018 rabbit forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Work Doubly hard for a Fruitful Year

2018 Dragon Forecast2018 dragon forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Focus on Self Development

2018 Snake Forecast2018 snake forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Patience is the key to success

2018 Horse Forecast2018 horse forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Rest to walk the longer journey

2018 Goat Forecast2018 goat forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Maintain your Grit for Maximum Success

2018 Monkey Forecast2018 monkey forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Getting a mentor is the key

2018 Rooster Forecast2018 rooster forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Grab opportunity when presented

2018 Dog Forecast2018 dog forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Better to take tiny steps

2018 Pig Forecast2018 pig forecast master kevin foong


Power Message: Maintain low profile


Purchase your personalise 2018 Bazi 12 months report by Master Kevin Foong that gives you forecast advice so you can plan for a successful year ahead.

The Following Animal Signs Should Pray to Tai Sui in 2018

Dog, Dragon, Goat, Rooster and Ox

Do and Don’ts for People Who Offend Tai Sui.

  • Maintain a good and positive mindset as this are just a karma period. Once repaid, all would be well.
  • Do not lose your cool during this period of time
  • Avoid going to hospital, cemetery or funerals
  • Donating blood can be a good start to fulfill the phenomenon
  • If you have to change your job, make sure you have already examined all options properly
  • Road accident is easy, take extra precaution

Dates to Pray to Tai Sui

 Dates Conflicting Animal Sign
20 February 2018 All animal sign can pray except Ox
21 February 2018 All animal sign can pray except Tiger
22 February 2018 All animal sign can pray except Rabbit
23 February 2018 All animal sign can pray except Dragon
24 February 2018  All animal sign can pray except Snake


 Best Date and Time to Start Work for 2018

 Date and time Conflicting Animal sign
22 February 2018 – 11am  All animal sign except Rabbit
23 February 2018 – 9am  All animal sign except Dragon
26 February 2018 – 9am  All animal sign except Sheep
27 February 2018 – 9am  All animal sign except Monkey

Purchase your personalise 2018 Bazi 12 months report by Master Kevin Foong that gives you forecast advice so you can plan for a successful year ahead.

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